IT Vendor Management

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We understand the technology-latent issues that keep you up at night. You may have questions such as, "How will I grow my business while minimizing expenses?" or "How will I protect my data from situations like natural disasters and all the malicious entities out there?"

You aren't alone.

Many business owners and executives at small and mid-sized businesses are tearing their hair out trying to come up with solutions for some of the most frustrating and time-consuming issues their company faces. At JensenIT, we deal in solutions!

What if we told you that we could supply you with consulting services, just like a Chief Information Officer, at a fraction of the cost? The IT professionals at JensenIT can do just that. With our Virtual CIO service, we provide you with an IT roadmap aligned specifically to make your business more profitable.

Our vendor management service works with third-party vendors to help you reduce bottom-line expenses and present you solutions on the determination of which hardware and software suppliers will work best to suit your needs. Our service ranges from a simple consultation to the more in-depth program of infrastructure management. In this way, our Virtual CIO offering is sure to be a valuable asset to rely on when it’s time to evaluate your company’s technology needs.

Increase Your Company's Efficiency

Let us be your go-to solution.

We all have that one person in the office that people turn to whenever they have a problem with their technology. You may even be witnessing a decline in performance from them because of this. Those people who become the office "hero" often get burnt out quickly and see their performance diminish because they spend most of their time arguing on the phone with vendors.

You need a central point of contact that can handle all these issues and solve them effectively and efficiently. The IT professionals at JensenIT are proud to provide this service as a part of our flat-rate managed services contract. Having us aboard can free you and your office hero up so that you can focus on the administration of your business. It also helps that we're fluent in technical jargon, so vendors are less likely to point fingers because we can literally tell them the solution they need to implement.

With our Vendor Management service, we take a physical inventory of all of your hardware and software along with serial numbers, warranties, registrations, licenses, and configurations, keeping them documented for easy access. This helps limit downtime when something breaks or is damaged. Anytime you need a new piece of hardware or software; or are simply having a problem with a particular part of your IT, all you have to do is call us. Since we have this information on hand, we will take the time to handle the relationship with the necessary vendors on your behalf. When we’re done, we will inform you of what was done or is expected to be done in real time.

While your IT is essential to your business, it can be a headache that you don't need. Please take a minute to browse our website for more information on our valuable managed services. For more information about how our vendor management service can benefit your business, call us today at (847) 803-0044.

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Hardware is far from the most fun topic for a business owner to learn more about, but that doesn’t diminish its importance. If you want to ensure your business stays ahead of the game, then you need to be strategic about your hardware implementation. Otherwise, you risk falling behind, put your business in danger, and—even worse—imperil your budget. Today, we want to help you get the most out of your hardware, long before you have to invest in anything new.

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1689 Elk Blvd
Des Plaines, Illinois 60016

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